Thursday, 26 February 2009

spitting all over the face of maharishi mahesh yogi

pen + spit.

Monday, 16 February 2009




i found out a selection of boots make-up was all under 2 quid. vegan. cheap. i HAD to get some and review it. that one's in jxc zine. these are just some really simple observational drawings that accompany the review.

check the awful colouring :)

the comedy sweatshop

one of my favourite people ever, chrissybabes green and a few of his friends put on the first of a monthly open mic comedy night at the gander in bournemouth. i did a quick review of it for headflex zine, this is the illustration for it:

watch chris here. it was his first time and it was AMAZING!


i have some.

Friday, 13 February 2009

sleeve work

guitars are a mission to draw, getting one satisfactory provides an amazing sense of achievement :) mike likes these. that's all that matters

Thursday, 12 February 2009


it was the best i could do with the shit excuse for an article i had. it's a story of what will happen to my mate andy if petrol keeps going up in price (something that was mentioned in the article a few times so it did fit). everything i do seems to have to tell a story. god knows why. ask him.


2 types of reportage

the lisa way:

and the standard way:

a night with an alex

king blues gig flyer

bring back the skank

for my FMP last year i started a campaign to get people skanking on down at ska-punk gigs again.

it started a ball rolling but due to being a busy bee i haven't been able to keep it up to date. hopefully over summer we will put on a few shows all over th UK for the cause, because the diy scene is great and everyone loves it :)

here is a leaftlet which can be printed, photocopied, folded in half twice and handed out at gigs (right click; view image):

if you click on it you'll get taken to the myspace profile for the campaign which has fliers, posters, and other things you're meant to get in campaign packs which i'll hopefully get round to sending to people one day. i can't afford to do it for free which is a bit poo. but there's stickers and tshirt transfers and realllllly shoddy comic!